Working together to build a cohesive GIANT identity
The GIANT Communicators’ Network brings together all communications officers from the eight founding members of the GIANT alliance and from local government agencies (the Greater Grenoble intermunicipal authority, City of Grenoble, and the Grenoble Alpes, Get Ahead! initiative), and local economic stakeholders (Udimec, STMicroelectronics, Schneider Electric, and Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes). The network’s goal is to encourage campus participation and share best practices.
The network functions as a working group, with regular meetings on a variety of topics related to the GIANT campus’ marketing, communication, and outreach strategy.
These meetings have a significant impact in terms of making the GIANT community more cohesive. Members work together to develop and update existing communications materials, explore common objectives, and share resources and experiences.

The network also creates informal opportunities for its members to talk to each other and learn more about the local ecosystem through lab and showroom tours and other innovative activities and events.
In addition to these meetings and events, the Communicators’ Network and its partners hold more ad hoc events throughout the year to spotlight campus news and, more broadly, the Grenoble ecosystem. Thanks to the network, the campus’ community of communications professionals is always up-to-date on the latest information and ready to jump in to joint projects.